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Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Patients with obstructive sleep apnoea(OSA) experience repetitive episodes of partial or complete occlusion of the upper-airway during sleep. This is caused by abnormal relaxation of the throat muscles during sleep. OSA sufferers usually snore and may wake up gasping or choking. OSA is a common cause of excessive daytime tiredness, fatigue and poor concentration.
Around 9% of women and 25% of men in Australia have clinically significant OSA. The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea in Australia is probably increasing due to the 'obesity epidemic'. Despite this, a large proportion of Australians with OSA remain undiagnosed and untreated.
Signs and Symptoms
Episodes of gasping, snorting or choking during sleep
Excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue or lethargy
Lack of energy and endurance
Falling asleep or needing to have a nap during the day
Disturbed or restless sleep (OSA sometimes causes insomnia)
Poor memory and concentration
Morning headaches
Dry mouth or sore throat upon waking
Irritability, depression, anxiety, mood and behaviour changes (including ADHD in children)
Increased frequency of urination during the night
Rapid weight gain or difficulty in losing weight
OSA has detrimental effects on sleep-quality and health, and increases the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, type-2 diabetes, depression, impotence, mood disorders, and motor vehicle and industrial accidents.
If you suspect that you have OSA or you have symptoms of OSA, please give us a call to organise a consultation with Dr Mahony so that you can be investigated for OSA and other airway problems.
More information on sleep study
Treatment of Sleep Apnoea
The most common treatment for sleep apnoea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. The CPAP machine keeps your airway open by providing forced air through flexible tubing. CPAP therapy requires you to wear a mask as you sleep. Although CPAP therapy is effective, some people are unable to adhere to it. In some severe cases of sleep apnoea, upper airway surgery may be another treatment option.
Oral appliances
Dentists pioneered the use of oral appliance therapy for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea, snoring and grinding in adults. A custom-fit oral sleep appliance is an effective treatment that prevents the airway from collapsing by supporting the jaw in a forward position.